
Green Asia Line

Major International and Customs Terms

Foreign economic activity - foreign trade, investment and other activities, including industrial cooperation in the international exchange of goods, information, work, services, results of intellectual activity (the rights to them).

Cargo Customs Declaration (CCD)

Cargo Customs Declaration (CCD) is the one of the main documents to be drawn up by the movement of goods across the customs border of the state (exports and imports). GTE issued and certified by the administrator of the cargo customs inspector in the future is the basis for the border crossing. The declaration provides information on cargo and its customs value, the vehicle carrying out delivery, the sender and recipient.
The second function of the cargo customs declaration is a document-application submitted by traders about the legality of the transaction, ie the compliance of all activities in the process of export and import laws of the Thailand. Discrepancies between the information specified in the customs statement/declaration, and evidence and or indication discovered in the course of customs control, entails a delay product and requires re-registration of customs declaration.
The declarant is a person who moves goods across the customs border or customs broker (intermediary), ie a person who submits and presents the goods and vehicles at customs in their own name, in other words, the buyer.
Invoice (born invoice) is a document provided by the seller to the buyer, and contains a list of goods, quantity and price at which they will be delivered to the buyer, the formal features of products (color, weight, etc.), delivery terms and information about the sender and recipient. Extract invoice indicates that (except when delivery is prepaid) to the buyer appears obligation to pay the goods in accordance with these terms and conditions.
Incoterms (English Incoterms, International commerce terms) is the international rules for the interpretation of the most commonly used trade terms in foreign trade. Now, International commercial terms are standard terms of international sales, which are defined in advance from internationally recognized document. These conditions govern the time of transfer of ownership of the goods (and thus, the responsibility for the way the fuck up in the product, improper paperwork for cargo, etc).
Bill of Lading - Bill of Lading - the contract of carriage, a document issued by a carrier load the cargo, shall certify the ownership of the goods shipped. The bill of lading serves multiple functions: the carrier's receipt of the cargo for transportation, while describing the visible condition of the cargo, lading, contract of carriage, the obligation to transfer the goods at the port of destination.
A through bill of lading - the contract of carriage by sea, which is issued in cases where the goods to the port of destination with the overload at an intermediate port or transshipment to other means of transport, usually used in container multimodal transport. This bill of lading relieves the sender and the recipient from the burden of shipping, because the carrier, transferring load to another carrier, acts as a forwarding agent.
Line ship - the ship is engaged on scheduled flights between certain ports. Usually, linear cargo ships shipment of goods is made in small batches. For each batch of a separate bill of lading is issued. On the linear ship containers are located at different ports of destination.
Logistics - Strategic Management (Management) procurement, supply, transportation and storage of materials, parts and finished inventory (appliances, etc.). The concept also includes the management of relevant information flows and financial flows.
Passport import deal is a document serving for exchange control. The transaction passport is issued if there are foreign exchange transactions between residents and non-residents, which consist in making payments and transfers through the resident's account opened with authorized banks and, in some cases - through the accounts of non-resident bank.
Carrier is a person actually transporting goods or responsible for the use of the vehicle. By "moving through customs border of the Thailand" means taking action to import into the customs territory of the country or exported from the territory of goods and vehicles in any way, including shipping by international mail, the use of pipeline trans port and power lines.
Customs duty - paying, payment of which is one of the conditions for the commission of the customs authorities of actions related to customs clearance, storage, and support commodities.
Customs fees - this is the customs duty (import and export, for logs (import, VAT and excise duty), fees (for customs escort, for customs clearance) and other charges (domestic taxes, special, anti-dumping and countervailing duties) imposed in accordance with established order by customs authorities.
Customs value - this is the actual cost of purchase and delivery of goods to the place of import (export) into the customs territory of the Thailand. To confirm the information stated on the customs value except for the declaration of customs value, the declarant shall submit the following documents:
Agreement (contract) and additional agreements thereto (if any)
More information at the request of the customs authorities.
License for goods whose importation is subject to licensing in accordance with established procedures.
Certificate of origin, certificate of quality, safety, etc.
Bill for transportation or officially certified calculation of transport costs in cases where transport costs were not included in the invoice
Invoice (invoice), and bank payment documents (if the bill is paid) or a pro forma invoice (for conditional-cost transactions), as well as other payment and / or accounting documents proving the value of the goods.
Customs declaration of the country of origin (if applicable).
Transport and insurance documents, if they exist, depending on the conditions of delivery; packing lists.
Founding documents of the person transporting the goods.
The customs territory is the territory in which the fully operational customs legislation of the country. Customs territory of the Thailand constitutes its land territory, territorial and internal waters and the airspace above them.
Customs clearance (customs clearance, cargo declaration) - this is the established norms of customs legislation procedure of placement of goods and vehicles under a certain customs regime.
A customs broker (agent) - a participant of foreign economic activity, selected by the declarant (the customer) to provide intermediary services for customs clearance of goods (to pay the customs fees, etc.) and the shipping. Private customs broker may only legal entity, organization, having the aim of profit. In Thailand can only national customs broker - this is the fundamental difference between our and foreign laws in this area. All companies providing such services must be licensed State Customs Committee of the Thailand; otherwise it will be considered a violation of applicable laws.
At the customs broker has a lot of tools to facilitate and speed up customs clearance, which is not even in many large traders. That is why many consignees and shippers to entrust their cargo customs clearance professionals in return for guarantees of quality, speed, lowest cost and risks insured errors in clearing customs. Broker also needed in order to fill the gaps in knowledge about the customer market of customs services and arranging to pick up a customs terminal, customs, carrier: optimal price for a particular good and reliable. Companies that specialize in the field of customs clearance, there are the right connections and contacts and the procedure of customs control worked. Therefore, the successful solution of the problems is guaranteed.
Customs duties - indirect taxes (fees, charges) for import, export and transit goods entering the state budget; levied by the customs authorities of the country in the importation of goods into its customs territory or exported from the territory at the rates specified in the Customs Tariff, and are an integral part of such import or export.
Customs control - a set of measures taken by the customs authorities in order to ensure compliance with the legislation of the Thailand on customs and other legislation of the Thailand, the control over the execution of which is related to the competence of the customs authorities.
Customs control zone - a specially isolated and designated part of the customs territory of the Thailand, created in order to implement customs controls and ensure customs laws.
The customs regime - the customs procedure that determines a set of requirements and conditions including the procedure for the application in respect of the goods and vehicles of customs duties, taxes and prohibitions and restrictions established in accordance with the laws of the Thailand on the State Regulation of Foreign Trade, and the status of the goods and vehicles for customs purposes, depending on the purpose of their movement across the customs border and the use of the customs territory of the Thailand or abroad. Participant of foreign economic activity has the right to choose any customs regime or change it to another regardless of the nature, quantity, destination country or countries of origin.
The goods in the customs legislation - is any movable property, including currency, currency values, electrical, thermal and other types of energy, as well as vehicles, except those used for international transportation of passengers and goods. This term also includes the so ¬ intellectual property, as well as related to real property by air, sea vessels, inland vessels and space objects.
Goods under customs control - foreign goods imported into the customs territory of the Thailand, prior to their release for free circulation, the actual crossing of the customs border when exporting or to their destruction, as well as Thailand goods when they are exported from the customs territory of the Russian Federation to the actual the border crossing.
Vehicles in customs recognized any funds used for international transport of passengers and goods, including containers and other transport equipment.
Packing List - a document that contains a list of all species and varieties of goods which are in each product site (box, box, and container) and are needed, usually when in the same package are different in the range of goods. It is used as a supplement to the invoice when sent to a large number of items of goods, or when the quantity, weight, or the contents of each individual place different. Packing list may take the form of picking list that contains a list of parts, components, assemblies of the whole machine, packed in several product areas, describing the content of each website.
Feeder vessel is a small vessel capable of cruising at relatively shallow depths. These vessels arise under an overload of containers coming to the shipping lines, and each collects containers along their route.
Freight (In German Fracht and In English Freight) - in maritime law: the law or by the contract fee for shipping. Sender of the goods shall be paid to the carrier or charterer.